@brief SSH channel PTY windows change (terminal size) from a client.
@param channel the channel
@param width width of the terminal, in characters
@param height height of the terminal, in characters
@param pxwidth width of the terminal, in pixels
@param pxheight height of the terminal, in pixels
@param userdata Userdata to be passed to the callback function.
@returns 0 if the pty request is accepted
@returns -1 if the request is denied
@brief SSH channel PTY windows change (terminal size) from a client. @param channel the channel @param width width of the terminal, in characters @param height height of the terminal, in characters @param pxwidth width of the terminal, in pixels @param pxheight height of the terminal, in pixels @param userdata Userdata to be passed to the callback function. @returns 0 if the pty request is accepted @returns -1 if the request is denied